Agent Brand Brochure

Agent Brand Brochure


Using a design template, our team will develop a custom brochure* to showcase you, your brand, and your business. We assist with content to describe your services and provide an image library for you to review. Once the brochure is approved by you, we print 30 copies and have them sent to your respective office.  

Cost: $199** (includes printing of 30 brochures)

*Some items on brochures cannot be changed, including overall layout, logo placement, and any other adjustments in contradiction with FREC guidelines.
**Cost is based on specific hours of content creation and design time, printing, and mailing to your Watson office. If content and design hours go beyond the agreed upon hours, a new quote will be provided.

Reminder, Watson AMS requests have 5-7 business days turnaround time.

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Image for reference purposes only. Your design will be 100% customizable to fit your needs.